Pre-Congressional Baseball Game event
Everclear joins Power to the Patients in Washington, D.C., for the pre-Congressional Baseball Game event bringing awareness and support for more transparent, affordable, and equitable health care in America. Everclear’s lead singer and songwriter, Art Alexakis, was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis in 2016 and recounts being totally blindsided by unanticipated and untethered medical bills.
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The Hill
Everclear to advocate forpatients’ rights ahead ofCongressional Baseball Game
The rock band, founded and fronted by Art Alexakis, will perform at a pre-game party Wednesday at the Bullpen across the street at Nationals Park ahead of Congress’s annual charity baseball...
Washington Examiner
Everclear to perform at healthcare price transparency event ahead of Congressional Baseball Game
Everclear, the 1990s alt-rock band known for hits such as "Santa Monica," "Father of Mine," and "Everything to Everyone," is being hosted at Power to the Patients's...
ABC 7 Washington,
Congressional BaseballGame breaks charity,attendance records amidpolitical tensions
The game is usually also overshadowed by protests and demonstrations. Last year it was climate activists who vowed to shut down the game...