Tell the Biden Administration to Require Real Prices, Not Estimates, to Prevent Surprise Medical Bills.
Comment NOW to protect yourself from surprise bills!
Hospitals must now, by law, post their upfront prices online, so you can see prices, save your money, and avoid balance bills. Unfortunately, most hospitals are still hiding their prices.
The government is seeking public comments on a new rule intended to protect patients from surprise medical bills, and they need to hear from us!
This rule is a positive step on the path to real, systemwide price transparency. We applaud HHS for staying strong on its rules to empower patients with real prices to protect us from surprise bills, while greedy hospitals, private equity-owned physicians, and special interests keep fighting to keep patients in the dark about prices.
Send an email in 3 quick steps to demand upfront prices, not estimates, to truly protect us from surprise medical bills!
Tell your story in your own words, or use our talking points. Ask the government to:
Require hospitals and providers to disclose real, binding prices — not estimates — before care, so we can save our money.
Remove all barriers and costs for patients to fight a bill if they have been overcharged.
Allow any arbitrators to consider the median payment amount in the region, the discounted cash price, and Medicare reimbursement rate to determine a fair price.
Timely implement and strongly enforce the Transparency in Coverage rule to allow us to truly compare prices systemwide, save our money, and avoid surprise bills.
It’s Our Health. It’s Our Money to Save. Power to the Patients!
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It’s now our right to see upfront prices from hospitals, but nearly 95% of hospitals continue to hide them, making it difficult for patients to know prices upfront and prevent surprise medical bills.
Make your voice heard and tell the government to protect and strengthen our right to see real prices! Tell your own story, or use our talking points to ask the government to:
Eliminate estimates and require guaranteed prices.
Increase penalties to at least $300 per licensed bed per day.
Remove barriers and allow patients to access real prices without having to disclose personal information.
Require pricing data standards to enable easy price comparison across hospitals and plans.
Require hospitals to inform patients of the upfront price.
It’s Our Health. It’s Our Money to Save. Power to the Patients!